المشاهدات: 237
رقم الأعلان: 11061
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Web Development Job

عنوان المكان: الزاوية الحمراء, القاهرة
مناوبة العمل: Day
نوع الوظيفة: Web Development
المستوى المهني: Experienced Professional
مناوبة العمل: Full Time
الوظائف المتاحة: 5
متطلبات الجنس: Female

ClassiAds includes 20+ category templates, making it great for those hoping to create specific classified sites. As an admin, simply approve seller applications, and they can manage their ads in a front-end panel. The default listing type is free, but you can elect to charge users to feature their ads in high-traffic site areas for increased engagement and visibility.

ClassiAds can also integrate with MailChimp, enabling communication between admin and sellers and buyers and sellers. You can make additional customizations with Elementor.

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User Reviews 1
  • Classiads - Classified Ads WordPress Theme

    ClassiAds includes 20+ category templates, making it great for those hoping to create specific classified sites. As an admin, simply approve seller applications, and they can manage their ads in a front-end panel. The default listing type is free, but you can elect to charge users to feature their ads in high-traffic site areas for increased engagement and visibility.


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